New in: CiviMobile 5.5.1 introduces Surveys & Petitions for efficient data collection

3 min readFeb 9, 2021


Still going door-to-door with printed walk lists or waiting until petitions on your website receive public attention? So much for inefficient data collection. Up with modern canvassing techniques, especially now when we know how to reach contacts fast, access CiviCRM on the go and manage data offline.


CiviMobile 5.5.1 changes the whole perspective on the process of collecting, generating and analyzing survey responses. More than that, a new version of the app enables to respond to petitions directly from mobile devices at any time and place.

CiviMobile Surveys: benefits

Surveys potentially hold a wealth of information for organizations to fall back on, make important inferences and bring necessary changes. When assigning volunteers to gather information and feedback from target audience, nonprofits make a giant leap forward to better understanding of community needs.

CiviMobile Survey functionality aims to expedite the data collection process and help interviewers conduct surveys effectively. How?

  • CiviMobile 5.5.1 removes manual survey data entry processes, which often can be costly, stressful, chaotic and victim to human error.
  • All submitted responses are automatically stored and available to processing in real-time. This allows organizations to analyze feedback and address needs in a timely manner.
  • The team has immediate access to data at exactly the time they need it.
  • Managing respondents (assigning, reassigning, releasing) in one tap and in real-time is an invaluable experience for interviewers doing fieldwork
  • The respondent status reports get updated continuously as interviewers conduct surveys Contrary to manual surveys, CiviMobile survey distribution comes at no cost.
  • Why wait till prospective respondents visit your website or check email where you ask them to complete an online survey? This kind of uncertainty or delay is never a case with CiviMobile surveys.

You can find full article here: CiviMobile

CiviMobile Petitions: benefits

Getting people to participate in different types of petitions is often no easy feat especially when it’s face-to-face, timing is bad and the process is tedious.

CiviMobile Petitions take the form of in-app campaigns users can participate in directly from their own mobile devices. In contrast to CiviMobile Surveys, the functionality is your best bet when you don’t know who is going to sign a petition or support the campaign. The feature shortens the timeframe usually required for traditional petitions distribution, increases public engagement and maximizes response rates. How?

  • CiviMobile petitions reach their potential supporters whenever they are, allowing them greater flexibility. Users can participate at any time or place when commuting, waiting in line, stuck in traffic, travelling, etc. In light of this, the likelihood of immediate responses is much higher.
  • When trips are not an option for volunteers, CiviMobile petitions make the collection of data possible even in remote areas
  • Participants sign petitions or fill out online surveys on their own time and pace what leads to higher levels of involvement
  • Interviewers do not interrupt respondents in the middle of their daily tasks nor affect their responses
  • CiviMobile app alone will suffice to participate in petitions. No logins, accounts or passwords needed.

Configuring CiviMobile Surveys and Petitions in CiviCRM

As you switch to CiviMobile surveys for more efficient data collection, spend few minutes to create a survey or petition in CiviCRM and there you are!

CiviMobile will make no changes to the way user manages surveys or petitions in CiviCRM. Just follow CiviCRM instructions giving a detailed setup walkthrough and create a survey (petition). The moment a survey (petition) is created user will see it in CiviMobile app and may start benefitting from all features described above.

Gathering responses, mustering support and spreading information faster — CiviMobile 5.5.1 can do it all. CiviMobile canvassing doubles down on freedom and convenience online surveys and petitions once gained mass popularity for. And there is more. Convenient access. Fast performance. Intuitive layout. Try the functionality on demo and see for yourself.




CiviMobile is a native application that allows CiviCRM users to leverage the combined benefits of the software and their smartphones.